Learn how to improve and understand caregiver needs. Each virtual session includes a mix of education, interactive exercises, discussions and tools to support caregivers in nurturing their mental health.
Session 1 (Jan. 14): How to juggle caregiving issues and survive.
Session 2 (Jan. 21): Managing Stress and building resilience - laughter is the best medicine.
Session 3 (Jan. 28): Learning to grieve the losses and move on to the successes.
Session 4 (Feb. 4): Planning for the future.
Please RSVP to Becky Donahue at:
becky.donahue@wintergrowthinc.org | (410) 964-9616
Facilitated by Ruth Kershner, LCSW-C, National Caregiving Support Program Manager | ruth.kershner@montgomerycountymd.gov